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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Vinati Organics...

Vinati Organics is a gem. I identified this stock at around 64 levels sometime in Aug 2011. 

The stock today touched 218 and going strong. This is a return of, including dividend, 250%.

Professional management, worldwide leadership position in its segment, strong financial performance, dividend paying, high promoters stake, no pledging, low debt, cheap valuations and a history of performance coupled with right expansion moves made this company an attractive investment opportunity.

Later some of you bought @100 or so when I discussed this and I hope they enjoyed the ride.

We met with Pune Equity Group on Jan 4th and I discussed about Paper Products. It is another long term bet.
Please feel free to invite anyone that you feel would benefit from the discussions.

To understand the product lines of Vinati please use the below link. This will help to understand why we need to be bullish on Vinati (other than the financial factors): http://in.finance.yahoo.com/video/demand-products-remain-buoyant-vinati-073004369.html

Niteen S Dharmawat

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Niteen S Dharmawat <niteen.dharmawat@gmail.com> wrote:
Remembering that you bought/discussed Vinati at around 110 levels. After that it came down 85 levels. But now look at the stock. It is zoooming past 150...
We identify and bought Vinati for the first time at around 65 levels...


Niteen S Dharmawat

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